Barack Obama



Barack Obama earning the 44th Presidency of the United States is a great part of American history.  From the perspective of black males in my twenties, we can now say we have someone we can look up to (on the national scale).  If Barack Obama would have lost the election, he is still someone we can look up to.  You know why? Because he is the epitomy of what all black males should strive to be.  He desires to make positive changes in his community, takes care of his family, and realizes where he comes from.  This will be the most important event of our lifetime and should encourage us to do great things.

Secondly, America, great choice, for the first time we took the rode less traveled and injected change into our culture.   Don’t quit now just because Barack is the next President.  If we are going to achieve the change we need, EVERYONE needs to take it upon themself.  Don’t think that Barack will solve all of our problems without our involvement, because if you do, it will not happen.

Jets are 5-3!

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